Wednesday 15 February 2012

Natural help for pain & stiffness

Last week I wrote about magnesium and how important it is for healthy muscles. This week I am moving onto the joints and I am going to have a look at some of the best natural anti inflammatories available. There are many people who are looking for a natural anti inflammatory, often because they are unable to take doctors anti inflammatories as they upset their stomachs. These days there are actually quite a few products available on the market which are aimed at helping to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with joint problems. One of my very favourites is a product called Celadrin. I have written about Celadrin in this column a few times now, because it is a product which we have seen quite a lot of great results with. Celadrin is a natural oil based product, which is said to have a number of benefits for the joints. Firstly because it is oil based, it has a great lubricating effect, which could help to improve mobility and movement in the joint and reduce all the crunching and clicking that a lot of people with problems like arthritis notice. Secondly celadrin has been reported as have 3 different anti inflammatory actions on the joint tissue, to help reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness. Finally, celadrin apparently may also help to make products reported to have a joint reparative action, such as glucosamine, more effective, by helping them get into the joint more effectively. We have quite a number of people who swear that Celadrin has made them more mobile and reduced their pain significantly. One lady told me only last week that she was convinced that it was celadrin which had reduced the pain and stiffness in her knees and improved her mobility. She said that since she had started taking the product three weeks ago she had noticed great improvements and as she had not changed any thing else she didn't see what else it could have been that had helped her. Another gentleman tells us that before he started using celadrin every day he used a stick for walking all the time and that now, for short distances he does not feel that the stick is as necessary! Yet another customer tells us that she is convinced that it is the celadrin which had given her back the mobility in her hands. Before she started on the celadrin, she had lost the ability to grip anything properly and her hands were always painful, now she tells us that her hands work properly again and are pain free, for the first time in years! There are as always different types of celadrin available on the market and in our experience, some products which are significantly better than others. If you want to try some celadrin for yourself I would suggest making sure that you buy a capsule which contains celadrin in it's liquid form. There are quite a lot of products available which contain instead the powder form of celadrin, but we have found that the people who try the liquid filled capsules tend to come back with more positive reports. Indeed I had one lady who switched to the powder filled capsules because they were cheaper, but came back a month later to switch back to the solgar liquid filled capsules as she had found them to be much better for her. Next week more natural anti inflammatories. For more details or to order please see our website at:


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